December Family Update

We can't believe, the holidays have arrived. Most of what is going on in our lives revolves around our beautiful daughter, Ashton. She actually slept from 8:00pm to 5:45am last night, which is really good for a 10 week old. We were out and about all day though, so we think it was just because she was exhausted. Shelly started back at the pharmacy on Tuesday. She says that it feels as though she never left. Chuck finished up the fall semester with his IS (independent study) and everything. One for semester to go until he graduates. Since our last post we have had several birthday parties, done lots of Christmas shopping, and had a blast with Ashton. We got her picture taken with Santa on Chuck's birthday after a chaotic day of poop and throw-up. You got to love babies. We'll be celebrating Christmas with the Sullivan family at Stacey's house on Sunday. Shelly is very excited to hide the Christmas pickle and I will once again try to find it. Ashton is growing so much. We see little signs of her development every day. Enjoy these pictures.